Have you seen the latest internet craze?
No, I don't mean Planking
Or Tebowing
Or even the Harlem Shake:
I'm talking about Ridiculously Photogenic!
It all started with this dude running a marathon looking like he just stepped out of GQ magazine
(that's him in the purple)
Then there was this lady who just had a baby and looked Ridiculously Photogenic!
(even the baby is Ridiculously Photogenic!)
Then there was this lady who just had surgery!!
And most recently Ridiculously Photogenic Ju Jitsu Guy:
So I started looking through my old photos!
Surely someone as Tiggerific as Myself would be Ridiculously Photogenic!
Here I am in a Marathon
looking the wrong way----grrrrr!!
Here I am with a Baby (ok--NOT my baby!!)
Wait! I wasn't Smiling in this one!!
Ok---let's try this one of me in the hospital
(when I broke my Bounce!)
UGH! I look Horrible!!!
Ok---One last Try
I did take Ju Jitsu ONE TIME----
Sheesh!!! I give up!!
I wonder if I have any Ridiculously Photogenic Pictures of Kit Kat?
**Digs Through Box**
Here Ya Go!!
This is When she was Blonde!!
Ridiculously Photogenic!!