Friday, December 23, 2011

Chrissymas Decorating has begun!!

I decorated my house today to be all Chrissymas-like because I am in the holiday spirit!!!   I have  a picture of my awesome decorations:  check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And look at me, I got mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was a Chrissymas card from my BFF Seals !!  Or maybe it was from my cuz, Tiggytiger?!  Or was it from Great Shot??  I don't know, I have so many fans! I mean friends!!  lol !!  MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!  Hope you find your stockings stuffed with Reese Cups!!  TTFN !


  1. I got a pack of M&Ms a day early!

  2. Maybe it was from Tiggy, your pet! Most likely it was me, because I am so awesome.

  3. YAY YOU GOT MY LETTER!I just wanted to wish you a Happy Jamaliday! so, HAPPY JAMALIDAYS!!! XD


  4. guess what i got last chrismas.. A 3DS and some other cool stuff LIKE A RED SCOOTER AND WHEN YOU RIDE IT THE WHEELS LIGHT UP (my green scooter was getting old) OUR CATS GOT SOME NEW TOYS (yes they got ccatnip along with some other wonderful toys for a cat) and halloween is coming next month! this is my chance to get reese's pieces and reese cups! and kit kats and other cat-tastic candies! (no i'm nikkiroo2 but i do like some other candies besides reese cups)

    1. Halloween is an AWESOME time to build up your reese cup stash!!


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