Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

I hope everyone is showing their love and appreciation for their Mum's today!!  My Mum (Her name is Tabby Kat)  is the bestest!   She keeps me well supplied with Reese Cups (even though she does make me eat broccoli every now and then...yech!!!)   

My Mum is also a Master Gardener and really loves to do Topiary Art.  Topiary is when you plant things in metal forms or shape bushes to look like something else, its basically a sculpture of plants.

Here's an example of one of Mum's bestest Topiaries:

Pretty handsome, don't you think?     And she made one for Reese......I think Kit Kat must've added the pink flower, because Reese is a boy dog!

Here one of Peanut Butter

And she even made one for Cup!  I think the Cup Topiary is at a desk playing with flowers??

Sadly, Mum felt obligated to make one of Kit Kat.....I think half of it is dying though......wonder what happened??     (tee hee!)

I asked Mum to make some topiaries for my blogosphere friends & followers, here are a few:

Here is one she is starting for Great Shot, that will look really cool when it grows in!

This dragon is for Strongboy!!   I love how Mum made it breathe fire!  (sort of, she can't have real flames around me because......well, things tend to happen with me around fire)

This one is for Creature IcySpirt, its a Crocodile!   I only wish Mum would've put blue flowers on it!

Guess who this is for!  Jubei!!

This little one is a Coyote for TrickerTreee  (Sorry I couldn't get a bigger pix!)

And this is for Ilovemypets, she once told me she loves cats!

This one if for Thebeatles0042

This one is for Gingerpawz..............

This one is for BigGoldfish101

This one is for FlowesaFlowesa133

This one is for Laurel...........

For Hamishcat..................

For Plusiegirl.......................

For's a lion, I think....

For Miss Piggy......................(so its not really a topiary, but, well, gardens do need water!)

For Trooper26  (its supposed to be a Big Red Dog!!)

For Meghan J.........................

And last, but not least!  For Tiggytiger!! 

And this is my Mum!!   She was really tired after creating all those wonderful topiary masterpieces!!



  1. Hehe. Plusiegirl's is really awkward lol

    ~Laurel019 (not signed in...again)

  2. make a cat one for me!


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