Every year we kids ask, "Is the Easter Bunny for real?"
I hid my camera all around the tree house to get pictures of the Easter Bunny to see if he is real or not! I got lots of pictures!!
Can you help me figure out which one is the Real Easter Bunny?
Ooopssie!! That's me! My hidden camera got a picture of me!! lol! I am NOT the Easter Bunny!!
Well, this one is cute like the Easter Bunny, but I am pretty sure that is Cup! Especially since he is sitting in the egg like its a Cup!!
Hmmmmm, the 1st one is Pink, and I don't think the Easter bunny is pink. The one in the middle looks a bit like Reese.......the one on the end...........well, that's a maybe....
Lol!! Ok, that's not the Easter Bunny! That is Peanut Butter with his Easter Bonnet!! He loves dressing up and getting his picture taken!!
Shhhhhhhhh!!! This might be him!! Look!! He's sound a sleep, so tired from hiding Easter eggs!!!
Oooops!! Me again!! Looking for Easter Eggs!!!
Ugh!! Kit Kat!!!!!!
Oh look!!!! I think we found the Easter Bunny!!!! He's so tiny though!!
Now that's more like it!! I like my Easter Bunny to be a cool dude on a motorcycle!!! Varroooommm!!!!!!
Wait! One last picture on my camera........................
Could this be it???
Could this be him????!!!!
YYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I think I have photographic evidence of the true Easter Bunny!!!! This HAS to be him!!!!!!
Thats one cool Easter bunny!